OneMX PX4S 250CC Petrol Motorbike



Now that we have started selling Petrol dirt bikes, buggies, and quad bikes, we thought it would be a good idea to provide an explanation of the different age ranges that these toys are suitable for.

Providing a specific age range for these toys is extremely difficult, due to the fact that children come in all different shapes and sizes. Also, what is deemed acceptable to one parent isn’t acceptable to another.

For that reason, please take this as a rough guideline of the ages these toys are suitable for. It goes without question that the suitability of each product we sell is at the parents discretion. The weight, height and skill level of the person using the toy also needs to be considered.

We Have 2 Main Categories of Bikes – Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes

Pit bikes are generally smaller than dirt bikes in appearance and features. This makes it difficult to choose an appropriate bike since there are so many different varieties of bikes.

We ask that you take care when ordering your bike to ensure it is the right weight, height and power and features you are looking for.

The Pit and Dirt Bikes have a minimum user age of 15+. These are extreme guidelines and will vary depending on the height, weight and skill level of each child.

We Have 3 Main Categories of Quad Bikes

There are no maximum ages for these quad bikes. However, OneMoto has a guideline for minimum age use.

Mini Quads

These quad bikes are designed for children from the age of 7 and upward. The suitability of each product we sell is at the parents discretion. The mini quads range from 250w to 500w in the electric range and 50cc – 80cc in the petrol range. We will have more powerful versions under the same category, however, based on customer feedback these should be reserved for much older kids and adults.

Kids Quads

These quad bikes are designed for children from the age of 10 and upward. The suitability of each product we sell is at the parents discretion. The child quads range from 500w – 1000w for the electric range and 50cc – 250cc for the petrol range.

Adult Quads

There really isn’t a minimum or maximum age for the adult quads, so there was no need for us to set any other guidelines for them other than they are designed specifically for adult use. The adult quad bikes range from 150cc+.

Buggies & Go Karts

There are no maximum ages for these buggies and go karts. However, OneMoto has a guideline for minimum age use which is 6+. With this, let us stress that this is purley at a parent’s discretion. Bear in mind that these are pretty powerful machines.