Northern Sweden,.pictures from a Beautiful Part Of Sweden



Northern Sweden,.a part of Sweden.

The idea to this “Picture-Thread” I got from my long,.and popular thread… “Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania”.

That thread had about 7300 posts,.plus about 550 posts that have been deleted. This strangely enough by the members themselves,.or sometimes by our eminent moderator. So in total,.the thread had just under 8000 posts…!! So I think as the OP for the thread,.that one can feel some pride in that.


Among other things,.I introduced a tradition in that thread…(Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania). To post images from Northern Sweden,.every time the posts passed a new 1000-post level.

• The reason was,.among other things,to try to lighten the mood of a sometimes infected cable-thread…and switches. This proved to be successful,.the pictures were appreciated by many.

Some comments: • PatM: “blissfully wonderful indeed, thank you for sharing! And thank you so much for bearing with us all!”

• Frenchrooster: “Wonderful pictures! I enjoyed and dreamed.”

• Mike_S: “Wonderful photos and explanations thank you @Peder.”

• HansW: “Wonderfull pictures.”

• JimDog: “Thanks Peder – you live in a beautiful region of the world.”

As this was appreciated,.so will I therefore add pictures from Northern Sweden here,when I have some time over. And I hope some here will help me…!!

And Northern Sweden,.actually starts already at the city of Gävle. And the area from Gävle and up is called Norrland.

Please Contribute…

Those of you who have pictures from Northern Sweden. Please Contribute,.with them in the thread.

•But please,.write from what place,and what part of Northern Sweden the picture is from.

Let’s start with…

Spectacular photos…Stekenjokk

• While many have started mowing the lawns.

This guys have started to snow clear Vildmarksvägen,.which goes over Stekenjokk,so that you can let the traffic go of from June 6. In the pictures there is about 3.5 meters of snow,.but later waiting 7 meters snow depth.

• When you see this machine,.then we who live in northern Sweden thinking of those who live in Stockholm. They’ll issue a disaster-warning if they get 1 to 2 decimeters of snow .

• It must be “cool” to run that machine .

• For those of you who have never driven this road,.and visited Stekenjokk. Do It Then Corona Is Over,.maybe next summer.

Hope you enjoyed the first pictures,.in this new picture-thread from Northern Sweden.

Ps: Just so you understand,.this in the pictures is going on right now.

See you… /Peder🙂